 root((Organizations working on Humane AI))
    Dutch Government
    Ministry of VWS
      Data voor Gezondheid | https://www.datavoorgezondheid.nl/wegwijzer-ai-in-de-zorg
    Initiatives / Groups / Consortiums
    Nederlandse AI Coalitie | https://nlaic.com/bouwsteen/mensgerichte-ai/ethiek/ | They offer various trainings and have a list of all AI-related Dutch education at https://educatie.nlaic.com/
      AI Hub Noord Nederland | https://www.aihub-noord.nl/bouwstenen/mensgerichte-ai/ | They offer an ethics course https://www.aihub-noord.nl/cursussen/ai-cursus-ai-en-ethiek/
    Human AI
      AI LAB for Low-Literacy | https://human-ai.nl/ai-lab-for-low-literacy/ | aims to design tools that model the factors crucial for the risk of developing low-literacy between the ages 12 and 15 at the individual and population level.
    Humane AI EU Net | https://www.humane-ai.eu | EU-funded, cross-country initiative. Includes Industry and Universities.
      K4A Knowledge for all | https://k4all.org/ | Appears to organize Humane AI EU Net
    Hybrid Intelligence Center | https://www.hybrid-intelligence-centre.nl/ | Cross-university initiative to work on various aspects of AI. Major RUG/Bernoulli Institute contributions. Also TNO.
  Applied Universities
  Research Universities
      University of Groningen
     University of Amsterdam
    Research Priority Area Humane AI  | https://humane-ai.nl | 
     Utrecht University
    Research Group Human-centered AI | https://www.uu.nl/en/research/human-centered-artificial-intelligence | Member of Human AI
    Eindhoven University of Technology
     Research Group AI | https://www.tue.nl/en/research/research-groups/artificial-intelligence/ | Member of Human AI. Has Responsible AI subgroup.
     Research Group Humans and Technology | https://www.tue.nl/en/research/research-areas/humans-and-technology/ | Member of Human AI
      Explainable AI | https://appl.ai/technologies/explainable-artificial-intelligence
      Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects ELSA | https://appl.ai/research-themes/elsa
      Responsible Decision Making | https://www.tno.nl/en/digital/artificial-intelligence/responsible-human-machine-interaction/decision-making-people-machines/
      Safe Autonomous Systems | https://www.tno.nl/en/digital/artificial-intelligence/safe-autonomous-systems/
      AI4Justice | https://appl.ai/projects/ai4justice
      Fair Machine Learning | https://www.tno.nl/en/technology-science/technologies/fair-machine-learning/